Adobe Analytics: FAQs 50

It has been two years since I started blogging; my first blog article was published on 22 February 2020, a random day when I started my journey to contribute analytics community outside of Adobe Experience League. Though I am disappointed with the number of articles I have posted over time, I am pleased with the quality of the articles that contributed to everyone. My article topics are also primarily based on the queries from Adobe Experience League and therefore I must offer my extended gratitude to the fantastic forum. In addition to the second year anniversary, this is my 50th article, making it even more special.

About this 50th post, I just want to compile 50 FAQs grouped into different categories so that everyone can perceive the frequently asked questions in one place. It is also important for me to emphasize that the answers to the FAQs were provided not only by me, but by industry professionals from all around the world, and so credit will be given to them directly without giving it a second thought. So, without further ado, let us get started.

FAQs related to Implementation & Processing Rules

FAQ 01: Can I set the pageName in or trackAction calls?
No, setting pageName in or trackAction calls is not appropriate. Even if you include pageName in or trackAction calls, Adobe will discard it during the data collection. That is why we always use another dimension (prop or an eVar) to record the pageName.

FAQ 02: What could be causing my and trackAction calls to be recorded as Page Views?
Adobe interprets a processed hit to be a Page View when it contains the pageName. As per FAQ 01, pageName in or trackAction calls will be discarded by Adobe; nevertheless, if pageName is injected into the hit by processing rules or vista rules after data collection, the hits are deemed Page Views by Adobe. Thanks to Andrew for reminding me of this in his recent LinkedIn article titled ‘Processing Rules Gotcha’.

FAQ 03: Is it necessary to adhere to any standards while executing calls manually?
Yes, proper format or syntax is required for making calls; otherwise, the call might be deemed an s.t() call and vice versa. As a corollary, understanding the core tenets of link arguments and variable overrides is critical before executing manual calls. There are a few hacks you can perform with them, and additional information is available here.

FAQ 04: I’ve set the dimensional values appropriately on the pages using the data layer, but the server call returns a different value. Why would this be?
It is mostly due to the fact that the dimensional values are altered within the Adobe Analytics plugin section. Understanding the Adobe Analytics code flow is thus essential, and more information about the code reading sequence is available here.

FAQ 05: Will my rule work if I use the asynchronous Launch library and by accident choose the event pageBottom in a rule?
Because the asynchronous Launch library does not include a pageBottom event, if the event is included in the rule, the rule will be invoked when the DOM is ready.

FAQ 06: Is it possible to include custom dimensions to Adobe Lifecycle calls?
Yes, custom dimensions can be added to Adobe Lifecycle calls using processing rules to make the reporting easier and more reliable. Retrieve the context data for lifecycle events in processing rules and set your custom dimension if any of the lifecycle events are set.

FAQ 07: I want to view the IP addresses for visitors in Workspace; do I need to explicitly collect them in the implementation?
Not required. Because IP addresses are collected in Adobe hits by default, you can use processing rules to copy them to a prop or an eVar for reporting. The same is true for a few other variables, such as the Browser User-Agent.

FAQ 08: Is it possible for me to collect the session ID on the sites for simpler debugging?
Adobe is not employing a session cookie on the sites to identify a session; instead, the session is calculated at the server end when the hits are processed. If we can replicate the computation on the page, we can set the session ID on the pages; however, real-world scenarios must be thoroughly evaluated.

FAQ 09: Is Adobe Analytics track page loading time by default?
Page loading time is not the default metric in Adobe Analytics and hence it is not available by default. If needed, we must manually capture the same. Adobe does provide plugins that you may use to minimize the need for manual workarounds. For further information, see the plugin getPageLoadTime.

FAQ 10: Is there any way I can evaluate my Adobe Analytics implementation?
Adobe has developed two Excel tools (Adobe Analytics Health and Marathon Dashboards) that help you monitor the health of your organization’s Analytics implementation. Dashboards are available at the link here.

FAQs related to Workspace

FAQ 11: Do I have calendar events in Workspace?
No, you don’t have the same as on date. It was previously available in the Reports & Analytics interface, and it should be available shortly in Workspace as well under the label ‘Annotations’.

FAQ 12: Is the report on bot traffic available in Workspace?
No, it is not currently accessible in Workspace and it is expected to be incorporated as soon as Adobe’s Report & Analytics interface is retired. However, there is no official confirmation from Adobe as of date!

FAQ 13: Is it possible to select more than a dimensional value in the Workspace dropdown?
When dimensional values are included as a dropdown in the Workspace interface, we can only select one value, and selecting multiple values is not currently allowed. To select multiple dimensional values, we must first build segments to group the dimensional values and then apply segments as drop targets.

FAQ 14: What do path views in the Workspace flow analysis report represent?
Path views represent instances for traffic dimensions and occurrences for conversion dimensions. Visit this link for additional information on how flow analysis visualization operates in Workspace.

FAQs related to Experience Cloud ID Service & Cross-Domain Tracking

FAQ 15: How can I persist visitor ID from one domain to another if third-party cookies are disabled?
Function appendVisitorIDsTo lets you share a visitor’s Experience Cloud ID across domains when browsers block third-party cookies. However, if different domains are loaded independently without the ability to navigate from one domain to another, the function will not be beneficial.

FAQ 16: Will implementing CNAME resolve all cross-domain tracking issues?
Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Understanding why CNAME exists and how it works is essential in developing a design for cross-domain tracking. Check out the sequence of posts that begin with this one for further information.

FAQs related to List Variables and Classifications

FAQ 17: Can I use a List Variable to capture the dimensional value that is longer than 255 characters?
People are tempted to employ list variables because they think that list variables have no character restrictions; however, that’s not the case. Even the list variable is limited to 255 char bytes for each delimiter value and therefore using a list variable is not an option.

FAQ 18: Is it viable for me to enable more than 3 list variables in a Report Suite?
If the architecture is properly planned, it is possible. Adding one additional eVar to distinguish the list variables can assist in circumventing the limitation of three list variables per report suite. Credit to the blogs from bounteous.

FAQ 19: When should I use a List Variable and when should I use an eVar with Classification?
Use eVar with Classification if you need to collect multiple values and then segregate the values based on sub-dimensions i.e. Classifications. User List Var if you need to collect multiple values but are listed under the same dimension. Check out the link for more information.

FAQ 20: Is it possible to classify dynamic delimiter values in Adobe Analytics?
Possible. Stacking rules in Classification Rule Builder is a powerful option to classify dynamic delimiter values. The priority of the rules is thus crucial, and you can discover additional information here.

FAQ 21: Is there a qualitative difference between uploading customer attributes using Classification and uploading customer attributes via the audience interface?
There are, without a doubt, and thus the reports will not be identical. Check out the information here, and make a decision based on the use case.

FAQ 22: I have an URL report that contains query string parameters; is it possible to remove them without utilizing one more dimension?
Yes, leveraging Classification Rule Builder can help you remove query string parameters through Classifications without the need for another dimension.

FAQs related to Segmentation

FAQ 23: Is it possible for me to confine the customer journey between two pages or events?
You can use the sequential segment builder to confine the customer journey between two pages or two events. Check out the link for more details.

FAQ 24: I have created a visit segment that does not match a dimensional value, however, I still see the dimensional value in the report; how can this be possible?
Possible, because ‘Does not equal’ is a tricky condition, and understanding how the condition work for the segment is critical for understanding the segment results. For more information about the segment condition, check out the link here.

FAQ 25: Can I build a segment to combine only the pages with more than 200 visits?
Unfortunately, when it comes to Visits and Visitors, segmentation lacks the ability to create subsets for the dimensions. Many thanks to yuhuisg for relentlessly providing solutions in Adobe Community Forum.

FAQ 26: I have created a hit segmentation that equals a dimensional value, but when using the metric ‘entries’, I can see sever other dimensional values in my report. Why is this?
This is because the ‘entries’ metric is common for all the pages in the visit, and if you apply a segment to it, it behaves differently. For more details on how segmentation operates for entries, go through the link here.

FAQs related to Traffic Source and Makerting Channels

FAQ 27: What is the likely cause of my referral type report being wrongly populated?
In Adobe Analytics, referrer types are based on the referrer dimension. Manually updating the referrer (s.referrer) might induce the report to change, resulting in inaccuracies. Check this link for more information about referrer-related reports.

FAQ 28: How is it possible that the majority of my traffic is ‘Typed/Bookmarked’?
Ideally, ‘Typed/Bookmarked’ didn’t mean that visitors are only typing the URL or using their browser bookmark. There are also more scenarios wherein the traffic is classified as ‘Typed/Bookmarked’, and more information can be obtained in the link here.

FAQ 29: Can I have the list of Adobe’s Search Engines and Social Media websites?
Possible. When you request a Data Feed shipment, both are available as lookup tables. Aside, Social Media websites are available in the Marketing Channel interface and can also be requested through Adobe’s customer support.

FAQ 30: Why am I getting ‘None’ traffic in the Marketing Channel report?
It is primarily due to incorrect Marketing Channel configurations, but there is one more catch that should be considered while setting up Marketing Channels for the first time, expiring the visitor engagement manually. For more details, go through the link here.

FAQ 31: Can I break down marketing channels by tracking code if my Marketing Channel setup is configured based on Tracking Code?
Never do. Though the Marketing Channel setup is based on Tracking Code, the reports are different and will have different visitor engagement expirations. There is a dimension to break down the marketing channels for understanding granular details; please find the link here.

FAQ 32: Is it necessary to set up Marketing Channel only using Tracking Code?
It is not mandatory. We employ tracking code because only query string parameters can transfer information from one domain to another without involving third-party cookies. However, depending on the business requirements, marketing channel configuration can have different methodologies.

FAQs related to Dimensions & Metrics

FAQ 33: Is there an out-of-the-box metric to evaluate content effectiveness other than Page Views Per Visit?
There is, indeed. Content Velocity is one of the best indicators in Adobe Analytics for understanding content consumption during a visit. Check out the link for further details.

FAQ 34: Why did the pages with bounces never show time spent on them?
Time spent on the pages is computed based on the time between two server calls and will not be computed for exit pages including bounces. So utilizing time spent on the reports is tricky and requires additional understanding. Check out this link for additional details.

FAQ 35: Is it possible to rectify a revenue captured for an order by mistake in addition?
Because both revenue and numeric type events support negative values, adding them for a purchase order will rectify the figures. Credit to the blogs from bounteous.

FAQ 36: One of my pages has a high bounce rate, and I need to understand the reason by utilizing relevant metrics and reports; do I have any?
You can associate the bounce rate with a variety of metrics and reports, such as the metric page loading time, the metric average time per visit, the metric reloads, the reports devices, device Type and bots, and so on. Check out this link to learn more about how these metrics and reports connect to the bounce rate.

FAQ 37: I see a cart page or a page that can never be the website’s entry in the list of entry pages; how is this possible?
There are numerous possibilities in the real world such as session timeout, direct entry to the pages through SMS or direct links, and so on. Aside from just that, the entry dimension did not refer to the dimension value captured in the first server call of the visit, rather the first dimensional value in the visit. For more details, explore here.

FAQ 38: Will there be any visits that do not include a Page View?
If the visit did not result in a page view server call, there is a possibility. This is unlikely to happen frequently and thus the ratio should be lower.

FAQ 39: I’d want to know how many times something happened prior to a website success event taking place, do I need to build segmentation for those needs every time?
Segmentation isn’t the only method to go. A counter eVar can tell us how many times something happened prior to a website success event occurred, and it is one of the most valuable dimension types that is underutilized by most organizations.

FAQs related to Admin Section

FAQ 40: How many report suites are ideal for the company?
If an organization is focused on a single business unit, just one report suite is ideal, or one report suite per business unit. For more details go through the link here.

FAQ 41: Is it possible for me to move the data from one report suite to another?
It’s ideally doable, but it is challenging. You must download the entire processed rows from Adobe Analytics through the data feed and upload them to the new report suite using the Bulk Data Insertion API. However, there is also a paid service available where the Adobe Engineering Team will perform the transition for us.

FAQ 42: Is it possible for me to exclude bot traffic using custom conditions other than user agents, IP addresses, or IP ranges?
No, as of now, the possibility to add custom conditions is not available in the bot interface. The most practical solution is to construct a Virtual Report Suite that excludes traffic based on custom conditions.

FAQ 43: What exactly is the difference between Exclude IP Addresses and Bot Rules?
Bot rules collect the traffic separately in the report suite, allowing for reporting. Exclude IP Addresses will not record the traffic for the report suite, hence it is not available for reporting. However, both will incur server calls and will not be available in data feeds.

FAQ 44: Is it possible for me to change my business week from Monday to Sunday?
Yes, it is possible to change the calendar based on the business week; however, changing the calendar changes the way data is processed. Calendar options are also supported across all Adobe Analytics tools (Analysis Workspace, Reports & Analytics, Report Builder, Activity Map), except for Data Warehouse.

FAQs related to Data Handling & Governance

FAQ 45: What does the term Data Governance signify in Adobe Analytics?
Data governance is important in Adobe analytics for two grounds: the right to access and the right to be forgotten. There are more benefits, which are detailed here.

FAQ 46: I accidentally captured the PII for the customer data; is it possible for me to delete the details using Privacy Service API?
It is possible, but not recommended by Adobe, to prioritize end-user requests. If Privacy Service API is employed without choice, the request priorities should be set low. In addition, we have a paid service from Adobe that can delete data more quickly and efficiently.

FAQs related to Certification

FAQ 47: I am an Adobe analytics professional, yet I am still unable to get certified; what am I missing?
You are probably missing the focus on the certification syllabus. Focus on the syllabus and work on documentation and interfaces relating to the syllabus. Go through my link on tips to clear Business Practitioner and Developer exams.

FAQ 48: Is it possible for me to practice mock examinations for an expert?
Yes, here are the links for expert examinations; Business Practitioner and Developer.

Other FAQs

FAQ 49: Is there a standard format for creating Adobe SDR or Technical Specifications documents?
There are a few, however, it is up to the architect to design their own format. At the end of the day, it should be simple to read and encompass all of the information regarding the business objectives and the implementation methodologies associated to meet those objectives.

FAQ 50: Is there a simple way to understand and learn Adobe Analytics Reporting API 2.0?
Yes, by using Swagger UI, everyone can better understand and master Adobe Analytics Reporting API 2.0. Rather than starting from scratch, we can copy the requests directly from the Workspace interface. Check out this link to figure out how to put up your first API 2.0 request.

Dot, you’ve reached the end of your scroll. It took more time for me to consolidate the topics than composing a new one, but I wanted to prepare this post for the benefit of everyone and for the second year anniversary of Terryn Winter Analytics. If you didn’t have enough time to read the entire post, bookmark it and read it later. Happy learning and exploring!

Written by
Pratheep Arun Raj
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